Our vision to carry out God's plan of salavation and redemption through His son Jesus Christ to the world.to accomplish what God has caled us to do by fulfilling the mission He has set before according to (Matthew-28:18-20).
Our desire is to share the gospel of the Lord with the peoples Because The Lord has commanded us to do so.
(Acts-1:8 & Revelation-22:12) by doing so,we demonstrate our love for God.
(John-14:15) God chose this method of sharing our faith to tell people that there is hope for their future and because it is God's desire to save all the people.
Our mission is to help the Body Christ grow into maturity and build a frim foundation in Jesus Christ and a witness of God's Good News,Life,Hope to a lost and hurting world.
(Isaiah-31:12)-Our desire is to build to strong relationship with the Body of Christ in harmony, in unity, and be in one according and most of all to love one another.
(Psalm-133:1-3 & Ephesisans-4:1-4) To teach and train People in the ways of the Lord Jesus Christ according to (Ephesians-4:11-15).
We also helps the needy people, helps the orpahn childern by giving clothes and other thing which they have in there daily rutins, help the widows by give Clothes to them.
We do this because Lord had give this job to us that we help them and to serve the Lord amog the Peoples..
What Do We Believe
We believe in one God-Father Son and Holy Spirit, Creator of all things.
We believe that the Lord Jesus Christt, the only begotten Son of the God, was conceived of the Holy Spirit,born of the Virgin Mary, was curcified, died, was buried, was resurrected, ascended into heaven,and is now seated at the right hand of the God the Father and is true God and true man.
We believe the Bible in its entirety to be inspired Word of God and the infallible rule of faith and conduct.
We believe in the resurrection of the dead, the eternal happiness of the saved, and the eternal punishment of the lost.
We believe in personal salvation of believers through the shed blood of Jesus Christ.
We believe in the sanctification through the Word of God and by the Holy Spirit, and we believe in personal holiness, purity of heart and life.
We believe in divine healing, through faith in the Nature of Jesus Christ, and that healing is included in the Redemption.
We believe in the water baptism, in the Baptism in the Holy Spirit as distinct from the New Birth, in speaking with tongues as the spirit of God gives utterance(Act-2:4), in the gifts of the Spirit, and the evidence of the fruit of the Spirit.We believe that all of these are avaliable to believers.
We believe in the Christian's hope-the-soon-coming,personal return of the Lord Jesus Christ.
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