Thank you for visiting the LIVING WORD MISSION site.We pray that before this year is over the Lord will fill your heart with Joy, Peace and Love with every blessing. He Promised to you will be fullfill according to his word will be a accomplished in your life, So that your joy may be full know that the Lord jesus Christ loves you and so do we.WELCOME TO THE OFFICIAL SITE OF LIVING WORD MISSION:
Pastor Babu Parmar and Sis.Kamala Parmar have answered God's call to lead congregation of believers in the Kadodara Area.
Pastor Babu Parmar has been a ministry for over 23 years-including pastoring, envangelizing, inner-city ministry, and wonderfully anointed and gifted to lead and teach believers.
The Lord Jesus Christ began to burden Pastor Babu Parmar Heart concerning preparing his people for his soon return for his bride.
The Lord began to deal with him about greater personal holiness, prayer and consecration. Being lead by the Holy spirit, he began to preach a new, the Fundamental Truth's of the bible, with a strong End-Times emphasis.
Repentance, the important Blood of The Christ, The Cross, The Baptism of the Holy Spirit, The fear of the God, The Rapture, Biblical Holiness,
The spirit of the Prayer, The Power of the word burden for the lost souls to be saved,
And Jesus Christ as the beloved son of the Heavenly Father-all took on a new meaning in the light of the nearness of the Lord Jesus return for his Overcoming.
Assisted by their sons, Japheth and Ashaf. They Knowing that anointed worship, and anointed preaching of the Word of Truth (along with true Christian love and fellowship)
brings the presence of the Holy Spirit-they are already seeing God's answers to prayer.
They are seeing members recieve a fresh and deep desire to know Jesus.
Also assisting is a wonderful body of believers who have answered the same call in obedience to a heavenly vision.
OUR PURPOSE:To preach and teach the absolute Supermacy of the Lord Jesus Christ as a Savior, Bapitzer in the Holy Spirit, Healer, Heavenly Bride-Groom, Soon Coming King, and Beloved son of the Heavenly Father.
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